I was extremely happy to read recently in the news that Everest: A Climb for Peace narrator (and Lord of the Rings star!) Orlando Bloom has been named goodwill ambassador for the UN Children’s organization UNICEF.
This is wonderful news as Orlando continues to do good in the world. Orlando Bloom’s first visit to Nepal came just a few weeks after he narrated my film in a sound studio in Hollywood in October 2007; one of the main film locations was Nepal. And the Everest Peace Project - through the help of its educational partner Room to Read - helped fund two libraries in Nepal for needy Nepalese children. Could it be that narrating my peace film and seeing the gorgeous Nepalese scenery and people inspired Orlando to reach out even further and to get involved in this incredible work with UNICEF?! Maybe…Probably not…but regardless, Orlando continues to provide his time for meaningful and worthy causes such as The Everest Peace Project film - Everest: A Climb for Peace (which was also endorsed by His Holiness the Dalai Lama) and UNICEF. According to the BBC, his first task will be to film an appeal about the importance of clean water supplies.
Thanks again Orlando for all the good work that you do outside of Hollywood.
I had the distinct pleasure of working with Orlando Bloom and he was a true gentleman, professional and yet completely down to earth and as friendly as can be. Below is a horrible picture of me with Orlando. We were both having bad hair days! (And I was having a bad face day!)

And new pic, Orlando in the recording booth recording narration for Everest: A Climb for Peace:

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